Get Smarter. Invest in EnergyCite.

These men invested their money in EnergyCite. Here’s why they recommend you do the same.

Pat Boone

Author, singer, actor

Well-known author, singer, actor and entertainer Pat Boone tells us why he’s so excited about Tom Tamarkin, EnergyCite, and its cutting-edge, patented technology.

Bob Block

Father, Pay-per-View

Bob Block, the father of Pay-Per-View TV and the owner of more than 150 patents worldwide. He believes EnergyCite investors could make substantial profits.

Videos: 2010 Shareholder’s meeting and May 18, 2018 testimonial for EnergyCite

Hans Beimler

Writer, Director, Producer

Hollywood writer, director & producer Hans Beimler who worked on movies like “Star Trek Next Generation”, “Star Trek Deep Space Nine” and “Dresden Files” says investors will not only make money but they’ll also improve our planet.

Don London

Business owner

Don London is the founder, owner, and operator of Capitol Ace Hardware located in downtown Sacramento, California. As such, Don is very familiar with the various commercially available “smart thermostats”, load control devices, and energy conservations products. Don is one of the first investors in EnergyCite. In a recent video interview for a company promotional piece, Don calls the EnergyCite product “a sliver bullet to fix real problems…at the right time.”

Dr. Oz Loone, Ph.D.

I very much enjoyed reading the write-up on EnergyCite’s website titled “Where Does Energy on our Planet Come From?” This is excellent lecture for high school seniors and college science undergraduate students. I am impressed by Mr. Tamarkin’s writing style, organization and accuracy which is indicative of excellent formal education, a deep science background, and passion for teaching.