January 28, 2028
United States of America
Department of Government Efficiency
Mr. Elon Musk Director
1650 17th St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Dear Mr. Musk
We are delighted that you accepted the enormous challenge of building the Department of Government Efficiency and launching it with meaningful cost cutting acts the President can execute via Executive Order followed by appropriate Congressional action.
Our team has identified numerous programs, which in the aggregate cost the American taxpayer close to a trillion dollars annually, if not more, and are counter to the production of cheap, abundant energy which will become critical over the next decade.
The reason why energy becomes crucial in the next 5-10 years is that there is an expected decrease of terrestrial supplied temperature on our planet as one can already observe from the increase of snow and frosts in the southern parts of US (Texas, Florida, Louisiana), Europe, Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia etc. This decrease of terrestrial supplied temperature and its devastating effects on heating and food supplies for population may well become the most important issue in the next 25 years.
Physical science shows us that the Sun has entered into a hibernation period of activity called the modern Grand Solar Minimum or GSM. This period was initiated in 2020 and extends to 2053. See: Nature Scientific Reports,Zharkova, et al, 2015, https://www.nature.com/articles/srep15689. This is similar to the occurrence in the late 16th and early 17th century called the Maunder Minimum which occurred in 1645-1710.
Dr. Zharkova was the discoverer of the “irregular heartbeat” of the Sun driven by double dynamo. This news about the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum was reported by the Royal Astronomical Society by her in the press release of July 2015, https://nam2015.org/press-releases/64-irregular-heartbeat-of-the-sun-driven-by-double-dynamo. The Grand Solar Minimum lends strong support for the argument the only source of any climate change on Earth is our Sun.
Simply stated we are at the beginning of a new Little Ice Age.
For the next 30 years global warming will definitely be the last thing on our minds. This provides the scientific community an opportunity to settle the arguments and theories relating to the root causes of these cyclic temperature swings.
Efforts are being conducted in the investigation of how the Earth’s environment and principally its magnetic field will respond to a corresponding reduction of the solar magnetic field during the Grand Solar Minimum that in is in progress. This research must be intensified by us and others.
It is important to ensure that there are sufficient energy resources available during cold patches and the population is timely informed about the basic scientific facts concerning energy resources available; Energy Basics, Where Does Energy on our Planet Come From?, Tamarkin, https://energycite.com/energy-basics/).
We plan to do this for future generations by producing a design and implementation plan for the new energy plants linked to controlled nuclear fusion as described in our website, https://fusion4freedom.com and funding these efforts through our company EnergyCite.
EnergyCite Inc., https://energycite.com, is in the process of completing the design, production, and begin beta site testing of an AI software app for iPhones, Androids and the like which wirelessly communicates with the homeowner’s utility meter(s) and fine tunes the amount of energy consumed second by second, hour by hour, 365 days per year. This results in a meaningful reduction of consumed power. This app will be licensed to electric utility residential customers and the marketing channel is the base of IOUs. Thus marketing and sales costs are minimal and revenue is recurring for years. The app license fee billing is done by the utility companies.
Using the 166 Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) as a marketing channel, we will quickly reach 70% of all electricity customers in the US as part of our EnergyCite EMS-2020 product offering app for iPhones and the like which is leased to utility end customers creating a long term revenue base.
Third year gross revenue is projected at 1.1 Billion USD.
The company plans to use much of its net revenues to properly educate consumers, the media, and politicians on the correct science concerning man induced climate change by implementing our climate plan at: https://climateciteplan.org.
EnergyCite has a “sister company”, ClimateCite Corp. ClimateCite is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization set up to fund our ClimateCite plan, hence EnergyCite. We plan to seek contributions from the Investor Owned Utilities, energy companies, and high net worth individuals. See: https://climatecite.com. This minimizes dilution of the company through capital raising equity sales.
Once we overcome the climate change nonsense and halt the associated trillion dollar+ annually wasted on green energy matters, we will invest much of our net revenues in the proper long term solution for energy production which is controlled nuclear fusion (see https://fusion4freedom.com).
On December 26, 2024 Tom Tamarkin held a video “podcast” produced by EnergyCite Board of Director Member Rabbi Avi Schwartz in Haifa, Israel. Joining the video conference originating from the actor-singer Pat Boone’s Beverly Hills home was Dr. Irvin Lindemuth who is considered to be “the father” of magnetized target fusion and Dr. Valentina Zharkova from her home in London, UK. Dr. Zharkova has much practical lab experience with high energy particles and she believes can demonstrate in the lab working fusion generating several orders of magnitude over unity gain for sustained time frames within 5 years when properly funded from EnergyCite’s surplus net profits. The video is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L3Zw1Ihy4g.
This creates a short term a win-win situation for everyone. Electrical vehicle companies such as Tesla Motors benefit immensely given the large number of batteries that must be charged. Utilities will benefit for a variety of reasons and most importantly, the average citizens will benefit from lower electric bills and lowers tax supporting the government waste. And this service meets the federal government requirement that utilities help consumers conserve energy.
Our midterm results are to free up wasted trillions of dollars in the United States alone because of the climate misunderstanding.
Our long term results will be to successfully lead controlled fusion laboratory work in the United States and overcome the lead in the field the Chinese recently took; see: https://fusion4freedom.com/chinas-artificial-sun-shatters-nuclear-fusion-record-by-generating-steady-loop-of-plasma-for-1000-seconds/
We propose for you to meet EnergyCite CEO Tom Tamarkin in person in your new DC office to be joined by Professor Zharkova via Zoom) to discuss these important matters at your earliest convenience and work together to build an action plan with cost saving numbers for the President to act on by Executive order.
Tom D. Tamarkin
President & CEO
Professor Valentina Zharkova
Director of ZVS Research Enterprise Ltd
London, EC1V 2NX, UK
CC: The Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America
Credentials of the proposers
Tomer (Tom) D. Tamarkin is the founder of EnergyCite and ClimateCite and author of its ClimateCite Plan; see https://tamarkin.us.
Professor Valentina Zharkova (https://solargsm.com) is a member of the Board of Directors of EnergyCite (https://energycite.com/about-energycite/) and chief scientist of EnergyCite’s sister company 501(c)(3) not for profit ClimateCite (https://climatecite.com)
She is also a Director of the company ZVS Research Enterprise Ltd. UK and an Emerita Professor of Northumbria University investigating the role of Sun, solar activity and orbital motion on various terrestrial parameters and the climate change.
She maintains the webpage https://solargsm.com with posts reflecting her public talks, interviews, publications of papers and books as well as brief description of her research in high energy plasma physics.
Prof. Zharkova with Dr. Kosovichev from Stanford University, US, discovered sunquakes in May 1998 (Nature paper), reported at the AGU meeting in Boston that was widely covered by media.
Prof. Zharkova published 4 papers in Nature group journals, more than 180 papers in peer-reviewed journals, a monograph in Particle kinetics and dynamics in flaring atmospheres (2012, Wiley), a book “AI application for image recognition and classification” (2007) and preparing by Cambridge University press contract the second monograph in high energy particles (2025).