February 18, 2025

Mr. Elon Musk, Director
Department of Government Efficiency
1650 17th St NW
Washington, DC 20006

Dear Mr. Musk

Thank you for organizing DOGE and launching it with cost cutting actions the President can execute by executive order. We have identified numerous programs which cost the American taxpayer over a trillion dollars annually and are counter to cheap, abundant energy which we need to discuss with you.

We are asking for your appreciation and total support of the efforts undertaken by our three companies: EnergyCite. Inc. and ClimateCite (a non-profit 501(c)(3)) compliant educational and research institute in the US, and ZVS Research Enterprise Ltd. in the UK, in identifying the natural Solar-Terrestrial drivers of the climate change, which have in the past decade or two been mistakenly defined by the IPCC as Anthropogenic Global Warming caused by man’s use of fossil fuels.

The undersigned’s article titled Where Does Energy on our Planet Come From? Shale Magazine 2021, shows green energy’s futility: https://issuu.com/shalemagazine/docs/shale_janfeb2021_digital/58

We fully support the observational facts of the reasonable temperature increases on Earth and other planets in the past three centuries. We consider these increases to be fully accounted for by the increase of solar energy radiated to the Earth as a function of the orbital motion of the Sun occurring every 2200-2300 years (Hallstatt’s cycle). During the past 120 thousand years the Earth experienced a minimum of 60 of these Hallstatt’s two thousand year cycles without any contributions from humans. The current temperature increase is expected to last until the year 2600 and to add another 2.5-3.5 degrees C to averaged terrestrial temperature, after which the Hallstatt’s cycle will return over the next millennium to a temperature reduction similar to that of the 17-18 centuries.

This additional solar energy not considered by IPCC models is redistributed by the internal terrestrial various processes; i.e., ocean absorption, exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and biosphere per Henry’s Law, El Nino/La Nina Southern Oscillations over the whole planet, volcanic eruptions, albedo effects and cloud formations transfer additional solar radiation into the terrestrial temperature increase. Our company’s website on Henry’s Law https://henryslaw.org, teaches what really controls Atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Mankind could quadruple his output of CO2 and it would have little effect on temperature over time. Henry’s Law in combination with the fact that all energy on Earth comes from the Sun, flatly puts to rest any notion of the man-induced climate change. Our https://pinatubostudy.com proves it.

However, most importantly, in the next 30 years the Earth is expected to experience a significant cooling of terrestrial temperature by up to 1 degree C, creating a little ice age similar to that as occurred in the 17 century caused by Maunder Minimum of solar activity. This long 65 years minimum was, in fact, a Grand Solar Minimum of solar activity separating the grand cycles of 330-380 years discovered by Zharkova, et al, 2015. Furthermore, currently (2020-2053) the Sun entered the modern Grand Solar Minimum which is already in progress as the humankind become experiencing with snow and frosts in the Northern America, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Australia and Latin America. In fact, this little ice age has already arrived and will require substantial energy resources for heating and food production. This problem will become evident and crucial over the next 5-10 years due to a further decrease of the temperature on our planet, contrary to the AGW agenda promoted by all media. This decrease of the solar energy received by the Earth and its devastating effects on the heating and food supplies will become the most important issue in the next 25 years (https://solargsm.com). Most definitely, the current term government will have the little ice age to deal with, not man induced global warming!

EnergyCite is approaching the beta test of its product line, which is meant to save residential electric utility customers up to 20% on monthly bills hence conserving energy supplies. Our business strategy provides long term recurring revenues projected to approach 1 billion USD in annual revenue by 2029.

Once we overcome the climate change nonsense and halt the related capital waste, we will invest much of our net revenues in controlled nuclear fusion R&D; see: https://fusion4freedom.com.

If supported by DOGE in our endeavors of removing the obsolete Net-Zero enterprises and expanding the energy producing resources in the light of GSM and LIA, we intend to invest the majority of our net operating profits to properly educate consumers, the media, and politicians with our climate plan; see: https://climateciteplan.org.

Last December we held a video “podcast” with our BOD member Pat Boone, the singer/actor, Dr. Irvin Lindemuth who is “the father” of magnetized target fusion, Dr. Valentina Zharkova who has much theoretical experience with the simulation of high energy gains by particles in electro-magnetic configurations using the most advanced full 3D Particle-in-Cell approach (see: https://solargsm.com/energetic-particles/.) Professor Zharkova believes greater than unity gain fusion can be achieved in 5 to 7 years of research if properly funded from EnergyCite’s surplus net profits.

Our long term results will allow the US to overcome the lead in the field the Chinese recently took; see: https://fusion4freedom.com/chinas-artificial-sun-shatters-nuclear-fusion-record-by-generating-steady-loop-of-plasma-for-1000-seconds/ Podcast at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L3Zw1Ihy4g

We ask for a personal meeting with you to discuss these important matters and build an action plan.


Tom D. Tamarkin
President & CEO EnergyCite

Professor Valentina Zharkova
Director of ZVS Research Enterprise Ltd
London, EC1V 2NX, UK

The Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America
The Honorable Christopher A. Wright, Secretary of Energy
Hugh Roy Marshal, former BOD member, USCL/EnergyCite
EnergyCite website: https://energycite.com/letter-to-elon-musk-d-o-g-e/

Attachments: Two USB flash drives containing only this letter as MS Word document files

Credentials of the proposers

Tomer (Tom) D. Tamarkin is the founder, president & CEO of EnergyCite and ClimateCite and author of its ClimateCite Plan; see: https://energycite.com https://climatecite.com Mr. Tamarkin is the principal author of ClimateCite’s Climate Plan at: https://climateciteplan.org. His background of over 40 years of extensive high tech entrepreneurship is detailed at: https://tamarkin.us

Professor Valentina Zharkova (https://solargsm.com) is a member of the Board of Directors of EnergyCite (https://energycite.com/about-energycite/) and chief scientist of EnergyCite’s sister company 501(c)(3) not for profit ClimateCite (https://climatecite.com).

Professor Zharkova is a director of the company ZVS Research Enterprise Ltd. UK (webpage https://solargsm.com) and Emerita Professor of Northumbria University Newcastle, UK, investigating energetic particles in solar wind and solar flares, solar activity, solar orbital motion and their effects on various terrestrial parameters and climate change. The posts published on the website reflecting Professor Zharkova’s public talks, interviews, recent papers and books as well as a brief description of the research in high energy plasma physics and solar activity.

Professor Zharkova has published 4 papers in Nature group journals and more than 180 papers in other peer-reviewed journals. On  May 27, 1998 Dr. Zharkova and Dr. Kosovichev (Stanford University, US), reported at the AGU meeting in Boston the discovery of a sunquake associated with the solar flare  (published in Nature), that was  widely covered by the worldwide media. On July 9, 2015 the other discovery of upcoming grand solar minimum, published in Nature Scientific Reports, was reported at the National Astronomy Meeting, UK and featured in the Royal Astronomical Society press-release also widely covered by the media.

Professor Zharkova published more than 20 chapters in various books (2007-2021), the monograph scholar single topic focused book on Electron and Proton Kinetics and Dynamics in Flaring Atmospheres, WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2012 and the book Artificial Intelligence in Recognition and Classification of Astrophysical and Medical Images, Springer, 2007.  Currently, Prof. Zharkova is preparing another monograph on ‘high energy particle kinetics and dynamics in solar flares leading to sunquakes’, to be submitted in 2025 under a contract with Cambridge University Press, UK.