In 2003 USCL-EnergyCite designed and developed the DM-06 “Smart Meter” specification for Southern California Edison as part of the SCE RFF-RFP process. Notable novel features of the DM-06 specification are defined in this paper. These include the ability to download new meter software operating systems as well as the incorporation an IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) transceiver to interface with a home area network with mobile customer energy displays and control devices as part of an energy conservation and management system. This specification became the benchmark adopted in the U.S. by Landis+Gyr, Itron, ABB Meter (formerly Westinghouse,) SLB Technology (formerly Schlumberger,) and GE Meter.
USCL-EnergyCite’s founder, Tomer Tamarkin filed for and subsequently was granted 7 patents for the DM-06 Meter and smart home system in the United States, the EU, Israel, and the People’s Republic of China.
At no time did USCL-EnergyCite consider manufacturing meters, per se, and competing with the 5 major meter companies although the company was approached by Waison Meter Company in Changsha, China who wished to enter the American market. Waison invested $500,000.00 in USCL-EnergyCite, and attempted to build prototype US compatible meters. Within six months of investing in USCL- EnergyCite, they abandoned the project after finding the barriers to market entry in the US were too formidable.
USCL- EnergyCite’s strategy from inception of the company in 1996 was to offer the EMS-2020 home energy management hardware/software to residential electric utility customers using the investor owned utilities (IOUs) and large municipal electric utilities as the market channel.
USCL- EnergyCite never planned on manufacturing smart meters nor did it plan on IP (patent) litigation against any of the meter manufactures. The company’s future business was a function of growing smart meter sales and installation by utility companies as rapidly as possible.
By 2010 it became apparent that iPhones and the like would become as ubiquitous as the modern electrical “smart meter.” Thus it set aside its plans to manufacture and sell its standalone hand held display terminal and ultimately lease an “app” to the electrical utility residential customers with a monthly fee tacked on to the customers utility bill. The utility companies in turn pay EnergyCite the aggregate amount of all lease fees monthly. Thus the company creates a long term recurring revenue stream with minimal sales and marketing costs which is far more valuable than creating a onetime product sale.
The company went into a “hibernation mode” from 2012 to July 16, 2018 at which time it began the process of reincorporating as EnergyCite Inc. EnergyCite pledged to all the former shareholders of USCL to issue new EnergyCite shares of a like amount each USCL shareholder had.
EnergyCite’s strategy was to simply wait until the installed base of new electrical residential “smart meters” reached 130 million units. As of 2024 that target quantity of meters had been installed.
As of Q1 2025 the EnergyCite EMS-2020 core products consists of a downloadable app, a 915 MHz ZigBee band to Bluetooth interface adapter and overtime various peripheral devices as shown on the EnergyCite website smart home system description page.
Currently the federal government requires electrical utilities to make available conservation tools to all customers willing to buy them. As of Q1 2025 no company in the US offers an EMS-2020 like product (smart phone app and meter radio converter.)
EnergyCite’s founder and CEO is currently filling several provisional patent applications which will be converted to full prosecution pending availability of funds.
The company will begin presentations to investor owned utilities in Q2 2025 and plans on installing several beta sites around the country in the Q3 to Q4 2025 time frame with final product availability and roll out Q1 2026.
The company is presently funding its current activities through private placement share holder investments.
The company has a sister company, ClimateCite Corp, which is a 501(c)(3) not for profit research institute which will fund a plan utility companies and energy companies will “donate” to for tax write off reasons and the fact that the implementation of this plan very much helps utility and energy companies lower their cost of doing business. It is anticipated the IRS will certify the 501(c)(3) by Q1 2026. The cost is a $5,000 fee to the IRS and approximately $3,000 in CPA and other professional fees which the company will pay in Q1 2025.
Assume 50% of the investor owned utilities donate $10,000 to the 501(c)(3) that provides $800,000 per year in capital $500,000 of which goes to support EnergyCite’s transition from late stage startup phase to a fully operating company which should be profitable within 12 months. Third year gross revenue is forecast to exceed $900 million with an exceptionally high net profit.