To: Pat Boone, director, VP Investor Relations
Dana McElwain GLA (Gold Label Artists)

David Block, director
Bud Bromley, director
Bob Fulks, director
Don London, director
Emily Pettit (Tamarkin,) director, Corporate Secretary
Rabbi Avi Schwartz, director, VP Marketing & Media       
Valentina Zharkova, director
Aiden Tascic, Armanino LLP
Michael Tillman GLA
Ray Presgrave, major shareholder, former BOD member and special advisor
Lynn Provencio, VP, assistant and Web  Master
John Shanahan, Denver, CO

From: Tom Tamarkin, director/CEO

Date: 12/03/2024

Ref:  Teleconference with Pat Boone & Dana McElwain of 12/02/2024

Yesterday afternoon a teleconference was held between Tom Tamarkin and Pat Boone.  Dana McElwain was with Pat for the first half hour or so of the hour long call.

Tom was effectively asked to detail and justify EnergyCite’s/his need for $82,000.  It was explained as:

$12,000 ASAP to cover legal, accounting, administrative, yearly corporate fees in the State of Nevada, and a draw against salary which has yet to be set forth and approved by the board.

For the record Tom receives a monthly social security payment of $2,778.00.  That does not cover all household related expenses (property, personal credit card payments, cell phones, internet, natural gas, electricity, groceries, and incidentals.)

It was explained that we must pay Dr. Valentina Zharkova approximately $40,000 in mid-December.

It was explained that Tom is very certain (optimistically so…?) that we will close a couple of million dollars in B round Series “B” $3.00 shares in the Q1-Q2 time frame.

It was explained that “B” share buyers would be energy companies and high net worth individuals connected with energy companies.

It was explained that EnergyCite had 500,000 Series “A” shares for distribution/sale.  Four hundred thousand were committed/issued to new outside BOD members at 100,000 per member; Bob Fulks, Bud Bromley, Dr. Valentina Zharkova, and David Block for five years of Board duty. 

The remaining 100,000 shares are being offered to the old USCL shareholders and friends at $1.00 per share with a repurchase agreement to buy the shares back after the company receives $2,000,000 in funds for Series “B” shares and/or 501(c)(3) funds directed to ClimateCite. 

Thus, if Pat bought more series “A” Shares in December we would repurchase them in the 2025 Q1-Q3 time frame at the 10X price if Pat requested.

It was explained that USCL had in excess of 95 shareholders all of whom would be contacted and asked to exchange their old USCL shares for new EnergyCite shares of a like number.  This will be done over the course of the next 45 days.

It was stated that Tom is planning to be in Denver sometime in the week of December 15th to meet with John Shanahan to work on creating a sizable number of introductions to energy companies and executives and to meet with Chris Wright of Liberty Oilfield Services.  We want Chris Wright to be well aware of what EnergyCite is all  about, and our smart meter mobile AI (artificial intelligence) smart phone app product line to utility companies and hardware through Ace Hardware (hopefully…)
1. He is a potential investor. 
2. He can lead us to other potential investors. 
3. After his confirmation as Secretary of Energy, Chris will be instrumental in advocating and forcing a federal requirement that all public (Munis) and Investor Owned Utilities be required to offer this type of energy conservation service to all customers that want it and are willing to pay a small monthly license fee in the 80 cents per month (9.60 per year) range.

It was explained that 80 cents per month is nothing but if 75% of all 130 million residential customers with smart meters acquire our product/service that equates to 78 million dollars in monthly gross sales excluding any hardware sales to support total hands free optimization of utility costs.  That is $936,000,000 in yearly gross sales.

Our existing 7 granted patents were mentioned.  Our continued filing of new patents on portions of the EMS-2020 system was mentioned.

It was explained that we have identified 2 potential R&D hardware/software sub-contractors both in India and that the R&D would be a 6 month project and cost $200K to $250K tops and beta units would be ready in six months after contract signing.

It was stated that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway energy companies like Mid America Energy would be given 10,000 units for beta testing in Q3 2025 time frame.  EnergyCite would bear the cost of the hardware and onsite visits.

Dana McElwain asked for clarification of the status in meeting Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Vivek Ramswamy and President Trump.  It was explained that Rabbi Schwartz provided direct telephone numbers for Vivek’ s administrative assistant who could schedule an appointment.  Vivek can do the same thing to get us a meeting with Elon Musk. 

I have three means of an introduction and meeting with President Trump although most likely after the inauguration. The meeting with President Trump is about EnergyCite but more importantly ClimateCite and our Climate plan to tear down the 3.2 Trillion dollar per year climate boondoggle.  (Elon will approve….)  We would have our science team including Dr. Valery Zharkova, Bud Bromley, me and hopefully Nobel physics Laureate Dr. John Clauser in that meeting at our expense.

It was explained that with all these high powered sets of contacts and future meetings the sale of 5 million dollars of B round shares would go very quickly; i.e. in the 2025 Q1-Q2 time frame.

Tom made the point that it would almost be easier to raise $20 million in this round than only $5 because 5 million is so low most investors would not take us seriously.

Dana suggested the above reach outs should be the priority now.  Tom said no.  Those meetings are virtually fait accompli (an accomplished fact) but the priority now was raising the funds to keep the company moving, paying Valentina in the UK, and having travel and expense funds to do the physical travel needed to close B sales.

At that point Dana left the conversation and Emily Tamarkin came in and joined speaking with Pat.

I explained to Pat that I had meetings in NYC in the December 12-14 area and Boston and Reston, VA with one or two Denver stops and I need at least $10K in our EnergyCite Bank account by this Friday.  Pat said he would instruct Aiden to take care of that.  Tom said the EnergyCite bank account is the same account Aiden has transferred funds to with Bank of America, Nevada in the past.

Pat did indicate he was very excited about our progress and position and looked forward to increasing his investment holdings ASAP.

At approximately 4:30 PM the call was concluded. 

Warmest regards to all,