Celebrating 30 years of business
since our 1995 incorporation!

EnergyCite’s raison d’être is to generate meaningful net profits which will be used by its sister company, ClimateCite, a 501(c)(3)non-profit providing real science and conducting real experiments regarding human induced climate change and to fund its Climate Plan to overturn this nonsense before it bankrupts the United States and other free and developed countries throughout the world.

A key member of EnergyCite’s Board of Directors is Dr. Valentina Zharkova in the UK. Her work effectively proves that we have entered a “mini ice age” and that we will see much cooler temperatures over the next 20 years. Dr. Zharkova’s work is published on her website. ClimateCite has appointed Dr.Valentina Zharkova as Executive Director, Science & Research and has agreed to fund her research for the foreseeable future.

For a variety of reasons EnergyCite’s founder and the majority of its Board of Directors believe that commercial controlled fusion needs to be developed over the next 20+ years in the country of Israel, in partnership with the United States academic community, due to government regulatory environment and Israel’s yearning to be a light to all nations. EnergyCite’s founder and CEO, Tomer Tamarkin, has written the industry standard and most authoritative paper on Energy Basics which conclusively shows that Fusion is the only solution for the future of mankind.

On December 26th 2024 four EnergyCite Board of Directors held a discussion on the above issues and our plans to address them from surplus profits made by EnergyCite over the next few years.  The meeting was held at Mr. Pat Boone’s home in Beverly Hills California.  EnergyCite’s president and CEO, Tom Tamarkin was sitting with Pat along with Dr. Irvin Lindemuth, the acknowledged “father of magnetized target” controlled nuclear fusion.  BOD member Rabbi Avi Schwartz directed the conversation from Haifa Israel and BOD member Dr. Valentina Zahrkova participated from her home near London, England.

Click here to view the recorded meeting

We believe correcting the Earth’s climate misconceptions can be done in 1-2 years from EnergyCite’s product introduction and positive cash-flow. At that point EnergyCite will invest the preponderance of its net profits in innovative controlled fusion research and development such as Pulsed Jet Magneto Ignition Fusion or PJMIF.

From 1986-1989 Tom Tamarkin was with the Datamatic Company in Richardson, TX, first as head of Datamatic’s advanced technology unit and later as Vice President and General Manager of Datamatic, Inc.

Over a twenty year period Tom Tamarkin was responsible for causing the preponderance of all utility companies in the United States to remove their old fashion electro-mechanical utility meters and replace them with smart utility meters which use electronics and high frequency radios to relay billing data to the utility company.

The first such standalone electric and natural gas and water meters were produced and sold in 1990 by Tamar Corp. in Dallas, Texas, a company formed by Tom Tamarkin.
